Get Your Cash In A Flash With PeraJet

In this challenging times, it is always helpful to find a partner who could assist you with your financial needs. Apparently, not everyone is willing to extend a helping hand, especially if you have no bank account or with poor credit.

The good news is there are many online cash lenders that can extend financial assistance with minimal requirements. The bad news is which among them should you trust?

In that case, consider PeraJet. 

Who is PeraJet? 

PeraJet is a Filipino fin-tech company that specializes in lending. Registered with the SEC in 2016 and in operation since 2018, PeraJet aims to offer fast and short-term micro-finance services in the Philippine market, particularly Metro Manila.

It offers up to P5,000 cash loan and with a repayment term of up to six months.

Why trust PeraJet? 

  • Registered and supervised by the Securities and Exchange Commission
  • Simple, uncomplicated application procedure
  • Online loan application with approval within 24 hours
  • No hidden or additional fees to be imposed
  • Easy to understand Loan Agreement sans the fine print
  • Several loan repayment options including Union Bank, East West Bank, GCash,, UCPB, and ECPay partner establishments (7/11, Tambunting)


  • Filipino citizen
  • At least 20 years of age or older at the time of the application
  • Lives anywhere in Metro Manila
  • Must be employed and able to submit proof of employment such as Certificate of Employment, latest payslip, or other documents that shows you have a steady source of income
  • Borrower must have a bank account
  • Has no overdue loans

How To Apply For A Cash Loan With PeraJet:

  1. Visit the PeraJet website. You can also access it here.
  2. Using the online calculator, navigate how much money you need as well the number of installments you plan to make. Then click Apply Now. 
  3. Fill out the online application form. Then click Next. 
  4. You will receive a SMS or email regarding the status of your loan application. PeraJet ensures 24-hour processing but this may take longer, depending on the volume of applications they receive on that day.
  5. If approved, then you will be asked to go to PeraJet kiosk at 30 Meralco Avenue, Pasig City between 12noon to 8pm. Make sure you bring your original employment documents as well as two valid IDs, preferably government-issued IDs.
  6. Sign the contract.
  7. Wait for the cash to be credited to your account.

PeraJet and Lazada

Did you know that you can pay for your Lazada purchases using PeraJet? You can also be pre-approved in two minutes so you could enjoy shopping.

Before you apply, make sure you have the following documents:

  • Two IDs, with one ID preferably issued by the government
  • Current proof of billing
  • Latest payslip
  • Selfie with your ID
  • Print-screen of your Lazada checkout
  • Activated Lazada wallet

After you prepare these requirements, here’s how to apply:

  1. Start by clicking this link.
  2. Fill out the details of the online calculator then click Apply Now. Lazada will pre-approve your application and will notify you regarding your status within two minutes. Make sure you check your Lazada-registered email address or mobile phone for update.
  3. If approved, then completely fill out the online application form.
  4. Accept the terms. Take note that this is needed.
  5. Wait for the amount to be credited to your Lazada wallet. You can now use this upon checkout.

Tips to Remember When Applying With PeraJet:

  • Make sure you use the online calculator on their website. This will give you an idea on how much you will pay given the loan amount and loan term.
  • Prepare all the required documents. This will make application faster as well.
  • Pay off your existing loans. Overdue loans will have a negative impact on your application.

PeraJet is among the many platforms available to Filipino consumers. Try this and see how it goes.


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